Hi, my name is Nichele McDonald. I'm a CrossFit level one coach and yoga instructor.
These movements will help you stretch your back for the day after dead lifts and also working on mobility and opening up the front body from movements that are pushing and always keeping you hunched forward.
The first one is camel. Coming to the knees. Hands can come on the hips. Pressing the hips forward, arch the back. You can also take your hand to the heel or both hands to the heel, pressing those hips forward.
Also, stepping the foot forward. You're going to melt the hips front and then reach the arms high. And hold here or clasp the hands behind the back.
And then the last one is bridge. Coming onto your back, feet hip distance apart, press your hips high, and just curl the shoulders underneath you. Maybe clasps the hands and hold these for a good 30 seconds to a minute.