Designed in collaboration with Dr. Aaron Horschig of Squat University, U-Bells are the newest evolution of kettlebells. U-Bells are a split kettlebell that acts like cambered dumbbells.
While U-Bells can be used for nearly any kettlebell exercise, they excel when performing overhead movements as they increase the demand for shoulder stability. The unique design of U-Bells means that the weight doesn’t hit and rest on your wrist for support, like kettlebells do.
U-Bells increase the difficulty of overhead movements such as Turkish getups, overhead presses (kneeling, half-kneeling, standing), KB windmills, isometric holds, and overhead squats.
The ultra-wide handle makes two-handed kettlebell swings extremely comfortable. The bottom portion of U-Bells act as “handles” and work especially well for goblet squats and other front rack movements.