Guido Trinidad Guido Trinidad

Guido Trinidad

Being a family man, business owner and dedicated athlete, Guido Trinidad has his hands full and strives to carry a standard of excellence in everything he does.

He owns and operates Peak360 CrossFit, where he's able to touch the lives of many and provide a place of not only fitness, but a community that is second to none. 

He was the co-founder of Wodapalooza, a globally recognized CrossFit competition annually held in the heart of Miami. 

Lastly he is the Executive Director of the nonprofit organization FaithRXD whose mission is to bridge the gap between faith and fitness by bringing faith in to gyms worldwide.

Guido is an athlete at heart, a former All-American football player at Benedictine College and then transitioning to a top-tier CrossFit athlete. Some may know him as a Games athlete, having competed as an individual in 2012, 2017 and recently as a Masters athlete.




Miami, FL




Max Snatch: 275
Max Clean and Jerk: 347
Isabel TIme: 1:47
Fran Time: 2:08


WOD: Murph - I love the purpose and the suck
Movement: Snatch, Thruster, All Bar Gymnastics  
Meal: Breakfast Egg Sandwich
Cheat Meal: Burger & Fries

What movement were you really bad at and how did you improve?

Deadlifts & Ring Muscle-ups.

I improved my deadlifts through seminars that taught me how to build a stronger back. Then I attended seminars that taught me proper mechanics on simple hinge movement patterns that I was doing wrong, and how to brace my internal torque chain.

I trained my hammies & glutes to become stronger and have the back do less work. I improved my Ring Muscle-ups by attending seminars and workshops that taught me the proper mechanics. 

I then would film myself and others and would compare what was different about my movement than theirs. Then I would practice / train to increase capacity through threshold training, emoms, and strengthening all of the muscles involved in the movement.

How would you recommend to an athlete that hasn't PR'd in a while to break through the plateau?

Self Evaluate WHY - what am I doing, and what am I not doing that has me at a plateau.

A 360 Evaluation should include an analysis of the following:
- Movement Quality
- Mobility - range of motion
- Nutrition
- Sleep quality
- External Stress

Everyone wants to know what they should do differently to improve their lift. But sometimes you need to STOP doing something that is affecting your mechanics.

A great program alone can only produce Good results. A great Program with a Great Coach produces results that are are always moving towards your max potential. Coaches guide, teach, encourage, support and hold us accountable.

Guido's top playlist tracks
