Arthur Belarde Arthur Belarde

Arthur Belarde

Arthur is a retired military vet of 22 years and owner of Art of War Jiu Jitsu. His life purpose is to positively influence as many people as possible through the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. BJJ is an amazing art that has the ability to make people physically fit, confident, and defend themselves.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Jacksonville, FL




Choke: Guillotine
Pinning Position: Knee on Belly  

Meal: Brunch
Cheat Meal: French Toast

What movement were you really bad at and how did you improve?

Take downs. I was not a great wrestler and found it awkward when attempting single and double leg takedowns. Working with a Wrestling coach and improving my ability to change levels (staggered squat) really made the difference when achieving takedown success.

What would you recommend to jiu jitsu athletes to improve performance and prevent injuries

I recommend a good strength and conditioning program. This is something that will make the difference of winning or losing if you have an opponent with the same skill as you. It also has the side benefit in preventing injuries by stabilizing your joints.

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